Tuesday, December 29, 2015

It's a Wonderful Run

We headed up to Bedford Falls (aka Seneca Falls) in early December for their It's a Wonderful Run 5k that has been held since 2009.  This was my 3rd year participating in the event and my mom, dad and hubby joined me along with Critter in her first 5k.  We all walked it together.  
 We made it to town early so that we could send out our holiday cards with a special post mark that they only use for the weekend of the event.  There is even a little parade through town that has the characters from the movie It's a Wonderful Life.  I was issued a ticket from the cop in the movie for having a "baby in shirt."  So many people said she was so cute and I guess (I can never see her little face when I am holding her).  I had her in my carrier and zipped my coat around her in addition to having a blanket wrapped around her.  It was a warm for December day in the upper 40's.
 We had lunch at a local restaurant and then it was time for the 5k.  We got all kinds of lit up since the race starts at 4:40 and it gets dark shortly after.  My dad had a blast using my Prep & Landing trees.  He kept saying, "hold on a minute, I have to direct traffic."  This for the lines at the port-o-potties (everyone had started by now and we were at the back with walkers and dogs).  Then after the race while I was feeding Critter in the car and they were hanging on the sidewalk when group of people would walk by.
 The race starts by going across the bridge that George Bailey jumped off in the movie.  We even saw a few people dressed up in more than Santa hats and such this year.  We saw an Elf on the Shelf, a Snow Man, Gingerbread Boy and a tree.
 It was a beautiful night for a stroll with my family and my mom enjoyed a quick little rest at one of the homes along the course that had a tiki bar set up and had their little set up all tropical.

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