Sunday, December 2, 2012

38 days left...

Where did the time go?  I am not sure but I am definitely not feeling ready enough for the race this year.  Oh well, the goal is to have fun and finish and both are very do-able.  We've had some chilly weather the past week as well as some rain today (and a cold rain at that--38 degrees).  I decided to elliptical 18 miles today instead of running in the chilly rain.  After looking like I had a bathing suit sun burn the other day from the cold I stayed indoors today.
Speaking of cold weather here is what I find most helpful to "battle" the elements.  I wasn't ready for the cold the other day, hence the "sun burn."  Anyways, vaseline.  Must have year round for protecting your lips.  On very cold days you can slather on a small layer to exposed skin to help with windburn.  I am a big fan of baby oil in the winter.  I rub some on my hands and run it through my hair.  The air is so dry out that it helps to keep moisture in your hair.  Lastly (well for today) is layers.  Dress in layers and you should be good in almost any weather.

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