Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy New Year!

So, it is 2013 and Goofy Race #8 begins in one week (well, the expo part).  Not as ready as I'd like to be but I know that I will finish...even if I have to walk a ridiculous amount of the time (sorry mom about having to stand in the bleachers forever). Packing later today and picking up my snacks at the grocery store.  Currently working on a shirt for my mom that says, "Perfectly Goofy Momma."  There is no one I'd rather have cheering for me along the course and helping a helpless (sometimes grumpy if it's very hot or cold) post run me with getting those shoes off my feet and opening that bottle of powerade.  She is truly amazing and has put in as many hours cheering as I have running the races and then some because she gets up just as early as I do and waits in the pre-dawn darkness waiting for the race to start.  She gives up her hand warmers and mittens to children waiting to cheer on parents, helps others get to the good cheer spots, carries a bunch of my stuff so I don't have to check a bag and has the biggest smile on her face when she greets me at the the finish.  I love you mom and am looking forward to our Goofy Adventure part 8!

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't think of ever missing a GOOFY race. You are all about the smiling & being happy. You have a glorious smile the whole time. Why run if it isn't fun.
    I always get choked up and teary eyed when I see you crossing the finish line. It's just to bad it takes me forever to get to the greeting area.
    Thanks for the kind words and wonderful magical memories.
    Run Tink Run! Love Perfectly Goofy Momma
