Tuesday, March 26, 2013

"You're Crazy..."

I get that a lot when people find out I run the Goofy's Race and a Half Challenge (1/2 marathon Saturday and marathon Sunday).  Well, Disney has upped the challenge and added a new race to their calendar for marathon weekend.  People unofficially referred to running the 5k Friday followed by the Goofy as the Dopey Race.

Disney has made it official and is adding a 10k to the weekend so it will look like this:
5K Thursday
10K Friday
13.1 Saturday
26.2 Sunday
total of 48.6 miles in 4 days... and I will be crazy.  According to my friend Miss D I can just consider it a stepping stone to running an ultra marathon (um, have never considered one and don't think so... but a great positive spin on it).
Who is Dopey with me???

1 comment:

  1. I am Dopey with you. I just don't run it. I am the crazy Mom cheering you on along the course. Just keep running, Just keep running
