Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Pre-race Comforts

Race day can bring a variety of weather and you want to be comfortable and prepared for it as much as possible.  Over the years I have seen race morning temps below freezing with sleeting rain and water stops creating ice on the roads as well as over 80* weather with almost 90% humidity at 4:30 A.M.  Sometimes I need my "special" items and other times I do not.  Better to be prepared than suffer while waiting for the race you spent months prepping for.

A rain poncho.  This is great for keeping you warm with your disposable clothes under it.  It helps keep the heat in much like a mylar and it is cheap.  Also packs nice in a suitcase since it comes in a small bag.  Amazing if it is windy since it really cuts back on this getting through your clothes.  Another great feature is the hood for keeping your head warm... we all know that is where we lose a lot of heat.
 Fan of the salt packets.  I grab these at any local restaurant and put them in a ziplock baggie in my shorts.  When you are sweating you are losing salt and this will not taste gross as I originally though.  Time it right and it will be delicious... best is just as you are approaching a water/powerade station.  I've found I only need about 4-6 for an entire race if it is hot and fewer if it is chilly and I'm not sweating as much.  Remember to do what is right for you.
 Best Friend For Ever!  I love these instant break and freeze packs for those sauna hot days.  I carry it in my sports bra and break it when I am feeling the heat.  It brings just enough temporary relief to bring my core temp down a notch so that I can keep going.  Bonus if you have some extra pockets and can carry more than one or if you have an amazing support crew like me that will hand you an extra one about half way along with a cup of ice to put in your shirt for cooling off.
My other BFF for the other extreme is hand warmers.  These little babies get nice and toasty warm.  They will last for hours, especially if you have on mittens/gloves.  I also put a set on my hip flexors since they tend to get super tight in the chilly morning air.  This company also sells larger warmers that are perfect for placing in your waist band for that lower back to keep you warm and comfy while waiting for the start.  (More of an issue at WDW I've noticed for the January race).  When you get toasty and are ready to toss find a frozen kid in a stroller and give to the parents.  They will be amazed since they likely didn't plan on that chill.
Of course you will want those disposable clothes (old long sleeve you never wear, over size sweats or an old throw to wrap up in).  Stay off the wet and dewey grass even if it is shorter... it's just an early start on those blisters that are likely to start after some water stop messes.

1 comment:

  1. You are a professional when it comes to being prepared for long races.
    I love playing Mary Poppins along the course with my magic carpet bag (okay backpack) that I keep pulling things out of. Especially the lime green crocs at the end of the race.
