Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Running in Circles

Sorry about the lack of posting but Manfriend and I went on a cruise and I was confined to running on the upper deck of the ship.  Grand total of running this trip was 1 hour 40 minutes.  At 9 laps per mile I wasn't going to even try and test the limits of my hips and knee after 42 miles on a cruise ship with 7 laps per mile in December.
 I ran 30 minutes 2 times and the last night of the cruise I ran 40 minutes.  Fortunately it was a "down" mileage week for me so I wasn't too worried.  I am starting to build miles again now in preparation for some late spring and summer races.
 And I was fortunate enough to have my handsome Manfriend chilling in a lounge chair on the deck with my water bottle.  I stopped for a quick photo before finishing my run just as the sun set, leaving exactly 7 minutes to shower and make it to dinner... which we did make but were 4 minutes late.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing dedication to run on a cruise ship! Well done! I hope you had a wonderful time :)
