Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Disney Marathon Weekend expo

So it has been a long while since I've posted anything.  My little is doing very well and I am enjoying all the play time, reading books and giggles.  I'd rather be spending the time with her than blogging and when she's napping I am usually tossing in laundry, doing dishes or checking e-mail.  She only naps for 20-30 minutes 3-4 times a day.  Anyways, back to the Disney talk.
 It was cloudy, very cloudy when we went to the expo but bright like the sun was going to come out.  Ha!  It decided to start raining like crazy and of course we had to walk outside between the two buildings the expo is housed in.  We got a little wet but kept kiddo dry.  Glad I went for carrying her in the pouch because strollers were not allowed in and it would have gotten soaked outside.
 First up was picking up my bib.  It was not too busy at all for bib pick up.  I also stopped by runner relations to confirm that it would be ok that I had my mom with a pump on the course in a backpack since runners are not allowed to have backpacks (thought it might apply to spectators too!) and they said it was fine.  Also wanted to make sure/confirm  that I would be allowed through security with a pump to leave in the medical tent in the event of bad weather and my mom not being able to meet me at the finish area.  I will say runDisney was amazing with their kindness and willingness to work with me to ensure that I had smooth races and was able to take care of the needs of my little.  From the phone call weeks before the race to discuss options for nursing/pumping and storage of my pump.  They were very friendly and thought it wonderful.
 So I signed the book stating I picked up my bib and then had to go over and have my photo taken for identification purposes.  At this time my little is getting squirmy and hungry so I stopped to feed her.
 We then headed over to the other building to pick up my shirts and check out the vendors.  Food and close to mommy snuggles means sleepy baby girl.  She slept through the vendor building for the most part and so many people were stopping me to tell me she was adorable or it was too funny or they wish they could be that relaxed and sleep.
 At this point she got to meet her second Olympian, Jeff Galloway.  She slept through the few minutes he chatted with me and then when it was time for a photo she woke up and was all like, "who is this guy?"
 It was still sprinkling when we left the vendor building and we went to the few small booths set up in the stadium as the sun started to poke out between the clouds.  We had a caricature done of little cutie and caught the bus back to the hotel.  The rest of the day turned out to be sunny and nice.  We headed to Disney Springs (formerly Downtown Disney) and had lunch/dinner and strolled around, enjoying the nice weather.  The next day was the start of Goofy Challenge #11.

1 comment:

  1. I've been MIA on blogland also. Glad I came back and got to read and see the littlest disney fan! She's just so adorable!
