Well, I've been absent on the pregnancy weekly updates because our little Critter decided that it was time to make an appearance a little early. Before we re-cap what that adventure was like let's take a look at the bumptastic photos. We've got 13, 23 and 33 weeks:
Below is the photo my mom took of me the day before I went into labor. My sister had just gotten the keys to her house that day and I was over at my parents helping to keep an eye on her little guy while they finished packing stuff up and loading a truck to move into their house. Furniture is in our nursery but nothing, and I mean NOTHING, was put away in drawers or even organized--all was still sitting in our office in boxes. I *really* wanted to sleep in and work in the nursery but figured, "I've got time-- at least a few weeks." Oh how wrong I was. Thursday night my water broke and by Friday afternoon we had our Critter.

My mom commented how hard my belly was when she touched it and I just felt "off" all day and tired but figured it was par for the course as the pregnancy sites say it is normal. In all honesty I had felt "off" all week but chalked it up to my sister moving. I was still out running almost daily and feeling great other than just general exhaustion at the end of the day. After this photo we took our 5th of 6 childbirth classes at the hospital and I commented can I just keep Critter in my belly and not give birth? We toured the birthing suites and all the monitors/equipment frightened me.
Keep blogging soon! I need to see more pictures of sweet baby girl.