Monday, July 20, 2015

Pregnancy Week 33

Week 33:
A durian.  Apparently a stinky fruit found over in Asia/Japan area and is so stinky they have banned it from many hotels there.  Quite a bit of kicking' from critter and better news is that my sister and her husband closed on their house.  We finally have their boxes out of the nursery and the furniture sort of set up--still on sliders so we can move around and leave for a few days to get a feel for what we like best.  Once I have that done I will start putting Critters stuff away and organizing the room.  
Boxes left our garage on Wednesday night and I watched Michael for a bit at my parents on Wednesday afternoon while they loaded boxes at my parents.  Manfriend and I had our last hospital class other than the breastfeeding one next week.  We got the tour of the birthing center.  Thursday afternoon while they moved more boxes out of my parents house into the truck I watched Michael and just felt "off" if that makes any sense.  I didn't feel awful but I didn't feel like myself.  Guess I just need to slow down and take it easy for a few days since it is getting hot and humid.  
Crazy Dream:
(the only one I can recall) I kept hiding around in bushes outside of fast food chains and these kids on bikes kept going up to the drive thru windows at night after they were closed and climbing in to get drinks and cold food to eat.  

 And here is what the nursery looked like before the boxes left (a cardboard castle room according to Jen--and not exactly the Adventure is Out There/Up theme I am hoping for)
 Starting to piece it together.  At least the furniture is where I want it.  Now to start putting stuff in drawers and such and putting down the rug and changing the comforter on the twin bed so that I can sleep in Critter's room once in a while as needed.
Thanks to my parents for getting us this very unique and beautiful nursery set.  We are considering getting a balloon thing that I've seen at Hobby Lobby to put over the flower on the furniture to tie it in better with our Up theme.  I also have some nifty blue lamps with white wicker over them that remind me of clouds.  Getting closer to Critter arriving and excited!

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