Monday, October 12, 2015

I Don't Love Every Minute

So many people have said, "love every minute" or, "enjoy every minute."  OK, but guess what.  I don't love every minute of being a mom.  Don't get me wrong, there are many moments that I love it and I wouldn't trade my little Critter for anything.  Here are some of those I don't love this moment parts of my day--and I highly doubt anyone with kids ever looks back at the "baby" stage and says, "give me some more of those minutes please!"
Being awake at 3am with Critter because she was hungry and then doesn't want to go back to sleep because she has the hiccups which then cause her to spit up all over me.  Can't exactly say that I love being out of my cozy warm bed where I was sleeping to find spit up dripping down my hand.  But I do love that look on her face other days at 3am when she is getting burped, wraps her hands around my wrist and squeezes (almost like a little hug) and kind of half smiles at me as she drifts off to sleep happy and content.
I am not a fan of witching hour, which is a lie because it lasts for hours.  Every evening for weeks it has lasted from about 6pm until 11:30--sometimes not ending until 1am!   It doesn't matter what I do she fusses, cries and acts like a spaz.  Totally need more spaz memories in my mind to remember fondly someday when I look back.  Oh, and wanting to eat but then screaming at me when I offer her food because she'd rather scream and cry real tears.  However, I will take more of the daytime smiles and endless snuggles on the couch where she naps happily on my chest.  Those little cooing noises when she is awake and we are chittering at each other and I get that Critter Chitter going.
What I am trying to say here is that there are many moments where I just really don't love being a mom.  It doesn't make me a bad person--it makes me human.  I know that someday I will look back at this time in my life and miss it. But I will probably be thinking of the little snuggles, toothless gum smiles and little "hugs" instead of the spit-up and sleeplessness. I may laugh at some major poopie diaper explosion someday but at the time I am changing it not so funny.  We have a way of forgetting some of the more "unpleasant" parts of life and remembering with great fondness the happy parts.  Just like with running I tend to forget the tough workouts where I feel like trash and remember the days where everything just felt perfect, like I could run forever.  Being a mommy is probably just like going for a run in many ways. I am going to have good days and bad days, where I struggle because "nothing" seems to be going well (even if there are small parts that are good--there always are) but the good days make it more than worth it.

1 comment:

  1. You are so right! It is totally ok not to love every moment and you are still a great mom. Hadley's witching hourS were from 10pm-3am..... We still call those the dark days and I remember them vividly. Good news is they do eventually grow out of it and they are super cute for a reason :) hang in there!
