Monday, December 2, 2013

Weekly Training Round up Week 12

What a crazy week in terms of weather.  It has been downright frigid most days and lots of snow/ice this week.  So my training was a little "off" the norm and scheduled but I am proud of myself for getting in the miles (although not in their intended form).

Here goes my crazy week:
Sunday was to be a long run but with single digit temps and the windchill I opted for the elliptical for 13 miles.  I did maintain a 7min mile pace on the thing though so that counts for something.  Plus I watched a cheesy chic flick so it wasn't that bad but it really made me appreciate my running that much more

Monday 10 miles broken up into what was my best estimate of the workout scheduled for Tuesday since the track was an icy mess.  I got in 4 hard miles, about 3 medium paced miles and the other 3 miles of the day were easy and avoiding slush.  I also was told by an old man outside scraping ice from his driveway that I was really lit up, where did I stash the batteries.  (A headlamp, blinking arm band and hand held light as well plus reflective jacket).

Tuesday I was supposed to work a half day but ended up subbing for the whole day.  By the time I exited school there was a mini-blizzard in the works and it was just not a safe to be running situation even though the temp was decent.  Big fat 0 for the day

Wednesday was an easy 8 spent slopping around slush and avoiding ice

Thursday  was 9 easy due to icy patches and lumpy sidewalks.  I ran on side streets as much as I could to get traction and avoid the sidewalks.

Friday  10 with my high school friend Kelly.  Decent pace and not that far off weekly miles at this point since I added a few miles here and there when I could.

Saturday  8 easy

Weekly Total:  45 out of what was scheduled to be 53

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