Friday, May 1, 2015

Pregnancy Week 21

Well, I am close to having gained double digits according to our scale at home.  Probably will hit that number by week 22.  Feeling really good and Critter has been moving quite a bit more that I can feel--usually after I am back from a run.  We had snow this week (yuck!).  Manfriend is awesome and says goodnight to Critter.  Not much really went on this week other than I was just plain tired.  I think it is a combination of the yuck weather and state testing--it really throws the daily routine they are used to off and makes the day at school seem to creep by.  
I did manage to clean the kitchen, vacuum and catch up on laundry after the whole flooded basement incident last week. So I was busy with all that week nights.  Because of the basement thing I had almost 2 weeks of laundry to do instead of 1 week.  Not a big deal but it kind of is since I only have so many pairs of pants that fit.  I see a trip to Goodwill in the future because I can survive on most of my wrap dresses until the school year is over and then I can just wear running clothes over the summer but will need just a few more pairs of pants for chilly days that aren't as dressy (maybe jeans and cords)
Really haven't had any cravings other than I LOVE PB sandwiches, goldfish crackers, diced peaches/pineapple and raspberry yogurt.  Well, once a week I *really* want a Frosty from Wendy's so Manfriend indulged and treated me to Wendy's.  Usually it is my mom and I going to Wendy's on Craftastic Thursday (the day we get together to do a craft but have yet to accomplish a craft).  So Saturday rolled around and I was really wanting one.  That is about the only sweet thing that I want/crave and it is only once a week I really want it.  I am not into cookies, brownies, cake, etc which is good and probably why my weight hasn't really been going up quickly.  I had to tighten my watch band a few weeks ago to a smaller notch.  
Crazy Dream--we rented a house in the Caribbean and David Spade was there too (probably cause I watched Rules of Engagement the other day--love that show) but he kept trying to hide stuff and make us figure out what was missing.  He would take an umbrella out of the stand and hide it behind the curtains, a table nicknack would be in the silverware drawer and I spent the entire dream playing find the stuff I hid/moved.  

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