Monday, April 29, 2013

Rochester Flower City Challenge Half Marathon

Yesterday was the Rochester Flower City Challenge (half marathon, 5k, dualthlon--paddle/bike...Sat).  All week long you could go to Fleet Feet and pick up your race stuff.
 All of it came in this nice drawstring bag.  It has a zipper pouch on the front between the black and blue section.  I have a few of this type bag but they always come in handy to just toss some extra clothes in or items in to head out the door.
 Here is what the bibs looked like.  I picked my packet up at the Brighton Fleet Feet location so that is why it says PPU:  Brighton.  The back of the bib had a foam and silver strip on it that was the timing chip.  I have noticed that many races are going to timing chip strips on the bib rather than shoe chips or other similar styles---that way you can't really forget it at your hotel/home etc... I like it since it is convenient.
 The nice tech fabric shirts by New Balance.  I love my white one from last year that is a very similar style and design.  I must say that Dave and Ellen at Fleet Fleet do a fantastic job getting their events together and having great gear for participation in distance events.

So on Sunday morning the bikes are in the truck and we are off to the start of the race.  Mom and dad park a few blocks away from the War Memorial/Blue Cross Arena where the start line is located.  They are going to stay "inside" the running loop course and bike to several locations to see me.  I am on a mission to corral up for Disney's Dumbo Double Dare and The Dopey Challenge.
 I put myself in the 2:00 pace group area for the start and know that I can move up as the race progresses.  It is a great day for a race with temps starting in the mid 50's and approaching mid 60's by the time I finish.  We run past some very cool stuff in down town Rochester (sorry, no pictures).
 Here is the second time I see my chEAR and support crew on the course.  They wanted me to be able to pick them out since I am not as familiar with this course as I am at Disney.  It was an early morning for Papa Bear but he gets to go to the cottage and fish after so he's all smiles.  Plus the fact that I am running here at home and not a plane ride away plus vacation time.
 I am getting ready to start climbing the brutal hills that plague the 7-9ish miles of the course and I hear "chinnng... chinnng."  Papa Bear is riding his bike on the sidewalk along the course since he heard there would be a drum group on one of the climbs and he wants to check it out.  I am keeping pace with him for a little while and he shouted out, "faster than a speeding bike!"
A few seconds later mom pedals by.  I thought she was going to cut through a side street to make it to the other side of the Mount Hope Cemetery to catch me in about 3 miles.  Proof that she rode her bike around to chEAR and support!
Love my parents and all that they do to help support and encourage my running.  So the cemetery was the last of the hills and the rest of the course wound around UofR and back to the start area for the finish.  I crossed in about 1:53:20 (2 minutes slower than the previous year but the only goal was to corral up this time).
Post race they had Wegman's Greek yogurt, Wegman's cookies, Salvatore's pizza, bagels, and Fig Newtons.  We didn't stick around long since we wanted to get out and enjoy the weather.  Thanks again for coming to the race!

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