Friday, September 20, 2013

Cold Weather Long Run Must Have(s)

With fall in the air it is time to start thinking about those oldies but goodies that have been tucked away since late spring when most were no longer a blip on my radar.  
 My Brooks reflective windbreaker/jacket.  I love that it is light weight and makes me very visible to cars.  If I get warm I unzip and can leave it or take it completely off and tie around my waist.  Basically everything I own (shirt wise) that I run in is this color or hot pink.  I very seldom run in any other color.  Safety is most important.
 Baby oil gel is nice to have in the chilly and winter months.  I put it on my ankles since they always get so dry and red.  I love it better than lotion since it lasts longer and really gives me that layer of protection.  I even slather it on my face when it is really cold out to help with windburn.  Put a little in the ends of my hair as well so help with those dry ends since the cold just pulls moisture.  Another must is protecting my lips with some good old fashioned Vasoline.  It stays on longer than chapstick and doesn't melt off (well, it is cold out).

 Baby powder is a go to for many things.  This is for my medium length runs (up to about 8 miles).  Helps with chafing.  We've got those layers and it's cold while we are sweating.  It happens but most of us just don't talk about it.  Speaking of longer than 8 miles I discovered this wonderful item thanks to my sister having a baby.  Amazing and lasts for a long, long time to protect from chafing.
Of course if you are going to run for a long time you need to have some energy.  I've found that I love the orange blossom Honey Stingers the best.  They are not red so that is what works for me.  Taste great and are easy to chew/swallow.  It is like carrying fruit snacks.  The package keeps them fresh and not making a mess everywhere.  Even in the cold they stay a soft chewy unlike starbursts that I've tried in the past that get very hard and tough to chew.  
What are some of your go to winter/late fall running must haves?  I must have some Pumpkin anything for it to be fall (coffee, pie...)

1 comment:

  1. No doubt you have it all figured out. You've been doing it long enough. Just keep running & smiling
