Thursday, January 23, 2014

2014 WDW Half Marathon

Momma, Papa Bear and I got up early (hello 3am) and quickly got ready to catch the 3:30 bus to the start of the race.  Quick photo in the room before leaving and trying not to wake up Aunt Jodi at the same time.  
The 2014 WDW half marathon was kind of hot and humid.  While not as hot as during the 10k it was quite toasty.  I met up with Kelly again and we waited around together until it was time to go to our corrals.
 I said goodbye to an old long sleeve t-shirt.  Depending on where you were there was a little breeze that had a chill to it.  I mostly ended up sitting on the shirt instead of wet pavement.  Yes, I do own long sleeve t-shirts that are more than 10 years old and I still have a bunch at home.  They are loved very much and are difficult to part with.  Having sewn this one a few times to salvage it the time was right to part ways.
Shortly after arriving in our corrals they started the races.  EACH corral was given the same amazing fireworks send off.  I watched the first corral go and then video taped the second corral so I could stash my camera before I began the race in corral D (for Daring and Dangerous and Dopey...)
 The first few miles went by pretty quick and without anything interesting until about mile 3 where I got to check in with my support crew.  Just before rounding a corner to spot my folks I stopped for a photo opportunity.  Note to self, remember to pull down the skirt inside since it sticks to the shorts unlike your previous pair.
Support crew spotted and I am psyched.  I haven't been able to squeeze my break and freeze pack to help cool off and I've been trying for 2 miles with no luck.  They have a cup of ice that I proceed to dump into my sports bra.  It is amazing and feels great.  The next 2 miles I pop out random ice cubes like a dispenser and get strange looks from people.  I don't care, I am cool and comfortable.
 I continue on to the slowest part of the race but also one of my favorite parts.  Magic Kingdom.  It truly is one of the most magical miles in the world.  This is the slowest part of my race but I always enjoy soaking up the energy and thrill of running through the Magic Kingdom.  The park is closed to everyone except the runners and a few spectators along Main Street USA.
I did skip a few characters in the Magic Kingdom due to the length of the lines but overall I stopped at almost every character I could have.  There is never a line for the train and I don't think that many people stop for the train (I may be wrong on this but based on what I've observed this is the case).
Leaving Magic Kingdom I was super impressed this year.  There is a metal grate bridge that they usually just put a piece of indoor/outdoor carpet on and it can feel a bit gnarly on your feet.  This year they had a special tile board type thing that covered the bridge.  It was amazing to not have that awkward bridge under your feet.  Small detail but it made a big difference to me and I noticed.  About mile 8 support crew part 2.  More ice and a change of shoes.  My Papa Bear having fun waving his wand for me to spot them.  
Ice and a fresh pair of socks and shoes I was ready to rock to the finish.  I still kept it in check knowing that I had the full marathon the next day.  I've busted a move during the half cause I feel good and the full is not even close to pretty ever the following day.  I was able to get my photo with the pirates without a line (I skipped it on the way in since it was about a 20 minute line).  On the opposite side of the road are the sweeper/clean up vehicles and the famous Balloon Ladies that maintain the 16 minute mile pace.  
After seeing my parents they hopped on the monorail back to the finish line area.  They snapped this picture from the monorail over EPCOT.  It shows how the runners go out to the World Showcase Lagoon and back for the finish.  Runners on the left are headed to the lagoon and those on the right are headed to the finish.  

At the turn around there was absolutely no line so I stopped for a picture with these two:
In the mean time a kid was struggling pretty bad with the heat and humidity and I knew he wanted to finish.  I slowed down a little and kept encouraging him and being very positive.  It either inspired him to run for the finish or made him mad that I was feeling so great.  Either way he kicked it into high gear and left me in the dust.  I did spot him at the finish and made sure to flag a medical person over to him.  
It was a great race and I felt pretty amazing the entire time.  At this point I was very much looking forward to the full marathon even though I was super nervous about my longest run being only 16 miles on the program that I used.

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