Monday, June 1, 2015

Pregnancy Week 25 and 26

Week 25 and 26
Ok, so deleted the week 25 photo by accident.  Uneventful week but some crazy dreams.  We were on a  cruise ship and one of the games was guess who didn't brush their teeth.  They had people come on stage and then go to a room where one person would be chosen to not brush their teeth.  When they returned the contestant had to guess who didn't brush.  Another crazy dream involved a man singing a song while riding a horse (small pony) named Horace.  Hosted a baby shower for Manfriend's brother's girlfriend.  After the shower we headed up to the cottage to relax and of course Manfriend played poker with the family.
Week26--feeling pretty good still.  It's been getting warmer out and the AC in my car and at school is broken.  I had Manfriend carry the AC unit up from the basement to put in our bedroom window so at least I am cool sleeping.  Have been getting up before school to run so I can avoid the major heat of the day.
Friday night Critter had the hiccups (at least that is what I think since they were small flitters equally spaced) and Manfriend got to feel them too.  So first hiccups on 5/29 that I know of.  Manfriend has been great about making sure I get what I need to be happy and comfortable--even if it means a giant body pillow down the center of our bed so I can sleep better.  He also tells me everyday that I am beautiful/gorgeous and look amazing. And he isn't just saying it to make me feel good about myself since I've had a few clothing frustrations, he really means it.  Makes me feel good to know that he loves me and finds my growing belly beautiful and not gross.  He gets the best smile on his face when his hand is on my belly and Critter is kicking.  He's not one to show emotion but is always asking if Critter is kicking and talks to my belly and rubs it at night--love you critter and your beautiful mommy.  Makes my beyond happy to know he is excited.  
Starting to get swollen ankles if it is hot out but nothing too bad.  Round ligament pain after some runs but it is not unbearable and goes away.  Basically it is like a dull ache along the front of my hips from the tendons stretching to support the growing belly and weight.  It is fairly common and most people start experiencing it (if at all) much earlier on.  Fortunately the round ligaments for me decided to wait until almost week 27 to show up. Only 19 days of school left and then relaxing all summer and doing small things around the house.  
Crazy to think that at week 20 it was a marathon training cycle left until Critters due date and now we have less than that left.  Yup, I just compared the pregnancy to a training cycle (and if you want to get really technical it is 2 by 18 week marathon training cycles plus a 2 week "break" between cycles for a 38 week baby).  

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